After a year of using my connected fitness tools, a second look at what's new and what I changed!
I recently started a newsletter - it's a bit of extra work every month, but here's why I think it's valuable.
Testing web applications is a crucial part of the development process, but it can be daunting at first. I break down the different types of web application testing I rely on, and how they can be useful to you!
A dive into the many innovative tools and platforms that leverage AI, and how they are making it easier than ever to create content and build a personal brand.
How to build a simple Twitter bot and run it for free on a Raspberry Pi
After years of not being able to travel, I discuss a bit about the trip Jully and I took to the Iberian Peninsula, this week with our stop in Lisbon, Portugal.
How to use inpainting to generate giant pieces of digital art with DALL·E 2
Tech conferences are a ton of fun, but can be daunting as well! Let's dive in to how to get the most out of them, and what I learned from my first conference post-COVID.
My thoughts based on conversations with fellow engineers at RenderATL about imposter syndrome, success metrics, and confidence in a role.
A look into my first day with OpenAI's DALLE-2 image generation system
A step-by-step guide to one of my favorite tools in my debugging toolkit
A collection of my thoughts and suggestions on React/front-end technical interviews
After years of not being able to travel, I discuss a bit about the trip Jully and I took to the Iberian Peninsula, starting with our stop in Barcelona, Spain.
How I onboard onto new codebases and what I learned starting a new role in 2022
After nearly 5 years with Pinpoint, it's time for me to move into a senior frontend engineering role at Kizen!
How I built a Raspberry Pi-based book quote clock for my girlfriend's Christmas gift this year
A first look at my new third generation ring from Oura
There are many different starter templates out there for NextJS, but I wanted to evaluate all my past projects and create the perfect one for bootstrapping future projects.
Building a simple calendar component in React with minimal reliance on third party code.
I show you how my home network works, what hardware I use, and my tools to keep my connection fast and private!
An overview of what changed in Input-Deno v.2.0.3
In this post I'm going to cover how I built this website, and how my statically generated blog works!
How I spent the last 2 years building a fitness regimen around "smart" fitness technology
Using the Dribbble weekly warm ups to have fun with graphic design again.
My first attempt at proper astrophotography!